Sunday, January 05, 2020

Golden Ratio

Is there communication ratio for friendship? Is one conversation enough? Two? 30? When does that tipping point get reached?

How about texting? If you reach out to someone nearly once a week for a year, but they only reach out to you 20 times, what is that? Are you both friends? Are you their friend, but are they you're acquaintance? Is friendship in that case just a willowy illusion where one person sees something different than the other?

Of course context matters. If that single conversation is deep and meaningful- if it touches both people immensely, wouldn't that be worth decades of perfunctory conversations?  If one person puts more effort into the relationship than the other- what is it that they have exactly? Not friendship, certainly.


I don't know.

I just know that I've met people in my life for the briefest of moments and I've walked way from them feeling more familiarity with them than with people that I've known for years.

I also know that I should have been to bed an hour ago and my brain is struggling to make sense of simple language let alone the complex and often contradictory emotions comprising the Gordian Knot that is interpersonal connections.

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