Friday, October 26, 2007

The Game's Afoot

I know that I'll have regrets, but that's the price of one more lesson learned- She Wants Revenge- I Don't Want to Fall In Love

While today hasn't been very eventful, it has been enlightening. One of our designers went on maternity leave last week, so I've been moved off of testing on onto designing. This is a very cool development. I'm still learning the ropes (and I think I will be for a while) but it's tons of fun. I don't know if this is a permanent move or I'm only doing this until she comes back, but either way I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it. The only problem was, because I came in late to this party, I had no real idea of what the game was about. Well, today we had a long design meeting and I am now looking forward to playing this game when it's done!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Seeing Myself For the First Time

Fetishize your beauty, the scars that you don't hide- Juliana Hatfield, Cool Rock Boy

So as you may or may not know, I recently got contacts. I'm still adjusting to them. It takes me something like 30 minutes to put the damn things in, but it's well worth it. I wish I would have gotten them years ago. I've been completely surprised by the boost of self confidence that I didn't even know I was missing since I started wearing them. I guess I've thought about myself as a lame glasses wearing geek that it never even occurred to me that I could be something different. Now mind you, I'm still a lame geek, that hasn't changed at all... but to paraphrase Vinnie from My Blue Heaven sometimes you have to change from the outside, in.
Chinese Curses

My utility belt says it's to the bar Batman!- The Streets, Too Much Brandy

Life is an interesting thing full of many interesting events and interesting moments. Case in point: Just the other day I watched TV. Zam! Pow! Odd isn't it?
Blogging is a fun intellectual exercise for the emotionally underdeveloped.
I've had many people come up of the street and ask me what I do doing an average day. To these people, I can only say with all seriousness, "Your mom."
Doesn't this seem a little late for Al to run?
Life is an interesting thing.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Seeing Other People

Despite the hopeful things I've said I've lived my life inside my head.- Barenaked Ladies, Everything Had Changed

Brace yourselves for some, possibly shocking news. I started up a LiveJournal I know what you're thinking. It's OK, though. You're still my favorite. I'm not leaving here, not by any stretch of the imagination. This is still, and always, my primary blog. As a matter of fact, I've pretty much even used these colors over there to give you both a compatible look. So. Let's get some synergy going on!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Running Thoughts

We are scientists. We do genetics. We leave religion to the psychos and fanatics. -Grinderman, Go Tell The Women

So, I had a couple of random thoughts go through my head today. The first was that I wanted to to run. Not in that The Fugitive type way. Or in that Arnold Schwarzenegger The Running Man type of way. No I mean in the real honest to God "I want to feel the wind run past my face in a fury as I cause my muscles to explode in pain" type of way.

Odd isn't it?

Also, while I was walking back from the store, I saw a nice old lady raking her yard. And I thought, someday I want to do that. I want to be able to be able to reflect upon my eons long life racking leaves on some alien planet, reminiscing about watching as the sun ran out of hydrogen and helium becoming a red giant that slowly consumed the inner planets of its doomed solar system. Then bitching about how gaudy the monument that they put was. You'd think that after 5 billion years, mankind would be able to get over the need to erect giant phallic symbols for any old reason? Ah, well. Kids today.
A new cookie in the the jar.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Damn it I'm in love with this planet.- Just Jack, Glory Days

It's taken just about a year but I'm past the past and leaning forward towards the future. Sure, not being the grand master comic geeky kinda sucks, but I've discovered that I have, or am willing to learn, many other cool and semi geeky skills. Or should I say "skillz"? Who knows? Either way, I'm honestly feeling pretty upbeat about my chances of survival in the great big world. The (uber) pessimistic part of me keeps trying to remind me that those types of euphoric feelings don’t last long. You know what Jack Burton say about that? He looks that pessimistic bastard right in the eye and says: "Give me your best shot. I can take it."

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Long October

This is forever but it won't last long. This is a memory that fades away in neverending.- The Birthday Massacre, To Die For

Let me start this off by saying that even though part of me wants every month to be October, the smarter part of me realizes that too much of a good thing really exists. Regardless, October really is the best month out of the year. The weather is just the right amounts of cold rain and cool sun that it matches my permanent internal mood perfectly. And, not to get too New Agey on you, there's just so much energy in the air! The world around you is changing, and you can't help but change with it. Honestly, Fall is the the beginning of the year for me, and October ushers it in with all the style and grace that a new life deserves.